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My favorite Israeli custom is - Secret Charity My greatest Israeli childhood memory is - Independence Day Parade and Celebration My first job was - Developing a control system for Israeli Navy missile boats The one person I would really love to meet for dinner is - David Ben Gurion I am most motivated by - Building a leading company that will bring pride to the state of Israel I am most discouraged by - Arrogance The worst piece of advice I was ever given is - I have learned from every piece of advice I was given. Sometimes I learn even what not to do. But first, I listen and then make my own conclusion. The quality I most admire in a person is - Modesty If I wasn't doing what I'm doing now, I would - Start another entrepreneurship If I could, I would go back in time and tell my younger self that - Do not hesitate. Go right away with your gut My favorite Hebrew word is –Amen One last thing before I go - Keep dreaming. Dreams run the future world. Daphna is setting out to change the way we package food. As the Co-Founder and CEO of Tipa, she has helped create a 100% compostable alternative to plastic food packaging. This new “plastic” turns into fertilizer in just 180 days! Before founding Tipa, Daphna served as CEO of the Caesarea Center for Capital Markets and Risk Management at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya. Daphna holds an MBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship from IDC Herzliya (with Honors), a BA in Economics and Software Engineering from Bar Ilan University. Daphna Nissenbaum
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